Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

This particular and important ministry in the Church is a function of the laity to assist the priest and deacons in distribution of Holy Communion. Eucharistic Ministers serve at Sunday Liturgy and also minister Holy Eucharist to the home bound and sick in our parish.
While Bishops, Priests, and Deacons are ordinary ministers of the Eucharist, lay people are extraordinary ministers in that they assist the ordinary ministers. This vital service to our parish family is not only a part of Mass, but is also a way of life. To faithfully distribute the Body of Christ (the source and summit of our Catholic faith) is a great honor, and should never be taken lightly.
Those who wish to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist must be at least 16 years of age, Confirmed in the Catholic faith, and, if married, be in a sacramental marriage in the Church. These ministers must be able to receive Holy Communion on a regular basis in order to become ministers of Holy Communion.
To serve as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, please contact the office and we will give you the right steps and guidance needed for this important and most sacred ministry.
While Bishops, Priests, and Deacons are ordinary ministers of the Eucharist, lay people are extraordinary ministers in that they assist the ordinary ministers. This vital service to our parish family is not only a part of Mass, but is also a way of life. To faithfully distribute the Body of Christ (the source and summit of our Catholic faith) is a great honor, and should never be taken lightly.
Those who wish to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist must be at least 16 years of age, Confirmed in the Catholic faith, and, if married, be in a sacramental marriage in the Church. These ministers must be able to receive Holy Communion on a regular basis in order to become ministers of Holy Communion.
To serve as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, please contact the office and we will give you the right steps and guidance needed for this important and most sacred ministry.