Altar Servers

Serving at the altar of our Lord for Mass is a unique and most sacred way of giving back to God what is truly His. By making the gift of ourselves in service at the Altar, young men and women encounter the living Sacrament of Eucharist in a unique and treasured way.
Altar Servers must have received 1st Holy Communion, must be in at least the 4th grade, and able to help the priest in service at the altar. Altar servers are introduced slowly in serving at the altar, and are taught through experience: first by observation, and then by slowly helping the older servers as they progress in understanding of their serving role.
If your child would like to become an altar server, please contact the office and we will help you and your family understand what an altar server does, and provide you with the necessary guidance for your child to become a server.
Altar Servers must have received 1st Holy Communion, must be in at least the 4th grade, and able to help the priest in service at the altar. Altar servers are introduced slowly in serving at the altar, and are taught through experience: first by observation, and then by slowly helping the older servers as they progress in understanding of their serving role.
If your child would like to become an altar server, please contact the office and we will help you and your family understand what an altar server does, and provide you with the necessary guidance for your child to become a server.